Thursday, September 18, 2008

Piano Moving

So you want to move your piano? Moving a piano can be a daunting task if one has never done it before or simply doesn't know what they are doing. Piano moving, done improperly, is also very dangerous! Imagine what would happen if the piano tipped over and landed on your cousin or brother-in-law!

Once again, we are brought to the fact that piano moving is best left to the professionals. Moving pianos has a lot more to do with technique, skills and proper equipment than it does with brute force.

Just because you have a trailer and can amass a few of your big strong friends to help you doesn't mean that you should go it yourself.

Denver Piano Tuners charges a flat rate of $250 ($350 for grand pianos) for a local move with no more than 3 stairs involved... money well spent to avoid a costly and unfortunate accident. For out of town piano moving quotes please call or email us and we will be happy to help.

Long story short, call a professional piano moving company and save yourself time, money, energy and stress.